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New! Features:
- Remote controlled mobile featuring lovable Baby Einstein™ characters and spinning color wheel
- Plays 6 different melodies
- Fully assembled
- When baby outgrows mobile, base can be used as crib or floor toy
- Multiple classical music selections
Appropriate for ages birth and up
Baby will love watching the fun plush Baby Einstein characters go around on this remote controlled mobile. Baby can spin the color wheel and watch as the light-up shapes dance in time with the music. When baby outgrows the mobile, the base becomes its own stand alone crib toy or floor toy and the plush characters can be removed and used as finger puppets. This mobile plays Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”, “Minuet in G” and “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”, Beethoven’s “Sonata 8” (2nd and 3rd movements), Mozart’s “Piano Sonata in F” (3rd movement) and Vivaldi’s “Concerto in F” (1st movement).
The Discover & Play™ Musical Mobile comes fully assembled and ready to attach to any crib or can be used as stand alone toy. Sold Out